COVID’s Unspoken Effect on Pet Psychology

COVID’s Unspoken Effect on Pet Psychology

In our previous article, we took a close look at when the pandemic pet craze plateaued, shedding light on some remarkable pet adoption trends. Today, we pivot our focus to discuss an aspect that is often sidelined but crucial — the psychological effects of the pandemic on our pets. As we navigate these unprecedented times, we find solace in our homes and especially in the companionship of our beloved furry family members. But while the added quality time and cuddles have been a boon for most of us, have you ever stopped to think what impact this constant companionship might have had on your pet? Is an overdose of love a real concern?

Psychological Impact on Pets

Positive Effects

While the pandemic imposed challenges, it also brought some positive changes for our pets. The most apparent is the quality time that pets have gotten to spend with their owners. According to veterinarians, increased companionship can lead to better mental well-being in pets. These animals tend to be more at ease, secure, and display less aggressive behaviors when consistently around their humans.

Another beneficial aspect is the increased attention to pets' health and wellness needs. With owners at home, there's more time to notice subtle changes in a pet's behavior or physical condition, enabling early detection of possible health issues. The lockdown period also provided an opportunity for owners to focus on preventive care, such as regular grooming, dental hygiene, and exercise, contributing to a pet's overall happiness and well-being.

Negative Effects

However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. While constant companionship has its merits, it can also lead to an unhealthy level of dependency. Animals are creatures of habit, and when their routines change abruptly, it can throw them off balance. One of the most talked-about negative consequences of the extended human-pet interaction during the pandemic is an increase in separation anxiety.

Beyond separation anxiety, extended periods of human interaction can also result in other behavioral issues. For example, the lack of alone time for pets might disrupt their natural instincts for self-soothing and independence. This could make them more reactive to minor disturbances, such as unfamiliar sounds or sights, which they might have previously ignored. Such heightened sensitivity could result in stress or nervous behaviors, like excessive barking or clawing at furniture.

The Good


One of the silver linings of spending more time at home during the pandemic has been the opportunity to forge deeper connections with our pets. The increased face-time allows for more interactive activities such as playing, grooming, and training, which contribute to a more robust emotional bond between pet and owner. This extra bonding time doesn't just make for Instagrammable moments; it has tangible benefits for pets, including improved trust and a stronger sense of security and attachment to their human caregivers.

Behavioral Training

With the surplus of time at home, many pet owners have seized the chance to work on behavioral training. Whether it's mastering basic commands like 'sit' and 'stay,' or more complex tricks and tasks, the lockdown period has been an excellent time for focused training sessions. The consistency and repetition that come with regular training are particularly beneficial for pets, as they thrive on routine. Improved behavior isn't just advantageous for the pet; it also makes life easier and more harmonious for the owner.

Nutritional Care

Being home more often means owners have also had the time to focus on their pets' dietary needs. Homemade meals and treats are on the rise, with owners increasingly conscious of the nutritional intake of their furry companions. Tailored diets can lead to improved digestion, better weight management, and overall, a healthier and happier pet.

Regular Exercise

While gyms and recreational centers were closed or restricted, many people turned to outdoor activities, often involving their pets. This uptick in walks, fetch sessions, and general outdoor playtime has been beneficial for pets, contributing to better physical health, and serving as an outlet for pent-up energy.

The Bad

Environmental Sensitivity

Our pets may have become overly accustomed to the comfort of their homes. This limited exposure to external stimuli, like new scents, noises, or even changing weather, can make them more reactive or sensitive.


Limited exposure to other animals and humans can result in poor socialization. While your pet might have become your ultimate companion, they are missing out on essential social cues they usually pick up from interacting with other animals.

Separation Anxiety 101


Before jumping to conclusions, it's essential to accurately identify whether your pet is genuinely experiencing separation anxiety. Knowing the symptoms will help you take timely action.

Common Symptoms:

  • Excessive vocalization: Constant barking, howling, or meowing when you're not around.
  • Destructive behavior: Chewing furniture, digging holes, or scratching doors.
  • Uncontrolled urination or defecation: Inappropriate elimination, frequently near entrances or exits.
  • Restlessness or pacing: Repeatedly walking around in distress.


If you observe any of these symptoms, the next step is to consult your veterinarian to rule out other possible medical conditions that could be causing these behaviors. Your vet may recommend diagnostic tests and may even refer you to a veterinary behaviorist for a thorough evaluation.

Mitigation Strategies

Behavioral Modification

Behavioral modification techniques often involve desensitizing your pet to your leaving and absence. Start with short departures and gradually increase the time you're gone. Use positive reinforcement like treats or toys to reward calm behavior! For those dealing with destructive chewing, offering a durable chew bone can be an effective way to redirect that energy. We've carefully selected a range of high-quality chew bones in our online store that are not only safe, but can also contribute to dental health.

Medical Options

While behavioral modification is usually the first choice, medication may be necessary in severe cases. Your vet could prescribe anti-anxiety medication, which should only be considered as a last resort and should be used in conjunction with behavioral modification techniques.

Technology to the Rescue

In this digital age, tech tools like cameras and smartphone apps can help you monitor and even interact with your pets when you're not home. Some apps allow you to talk to your pets or dispense treats remotely, which can be useful for pets dealing with separation anxiety.


Prevention is better than cure. Building a stable routine can help alleviate future episodes of separation anxiety. Consistency in feeding, potty breaks, and exercise can significantly reduce stress for your pet.

By understanding these various facets of separation anxiety, you're better equipped to manage this challenging situation and take the necessary steps to improve your pet's emotional well-being.

What’s to Come

Clearly, the pandemic has been a game-changer in the pet-human relationship. From increased bonding and behavioral benefits to the potential downsides like increased anxiety and poor socialization, our pets are navigating this new normal along with us. Understanding these impacts is the first step toward ensuring their well-being as we adapt to changing circumstances. Stay tuned for our next article, where we'll offer practical tips and strategies for easing your pet into a post-pandemic world, focusing on how to address emotional and behavioral adjustments in a phased manner.

Thank you for diving into this installment of our in-depth series on pet adoption during the COVID-19 era. At Fluff n' Stuff, we go beyond offering quality products for your furry friends. In fact, you can check out our shop to see what we mean! Our philosophy isn't just a catchy slogan—it's a way of life. "Spoiling Your Pets While Saving Lives" is more than words to us, it's a heartfelt commitment. We're as passionate about pet adoption as you are, and we believe that we all have a role in enhancing animal welfare. When you choose to shop with us, you're doing more than just pampering your pet; you're part of a bigger picture. We contribute 10% of every purchase you make to a pet charity of your choice. It's our way, and yours, of supporting life-saving initiatives for the animals who need it most. 

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